The Pregnancy Center of Dillon County is a local non profit who is dedicated to helping women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. We serve Dillon County and the surround regions.
Currently, The Pregnancy Center of Dillon County is actively working with the Ministerial Alliance in Dillon and other community organizations to develop options to break the cycle of repeated unplanned pregnancies in the county. Building these relationships from all areas of the community strengthens support for these women and babies.
Because we are a non profit, we depend on our local community of churches, businesses and individuals to come along side us and in turn come
along side the women and babies.
The Partner with TPC+ section is the home for sponsor information. Information on fundraising, events, promotional information, volunteer and other ways to get involved are all here.
We can only help the next generation of parents be the best parents they can be with your support.
Why should churches, businesses and individuals support the TPC?
Read on.

Local Churches
Scripture talks about protecting the most vulnerable among us; children, widows and orphans.
One such verse is James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
Also, right at the beginning of Genesis, it states that God made us in His image "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27)
If we are made in God's image and we are commanded to protect children, especially in their distress, then the churches are commanded to protect God's image bearers - the preborn.
When a mother is going over all her options for her pregnancy, the first line of defense is pregnancy centers.
The Pregnancy Center of Dillon can not fulfill its God given purpose without the support of the local churches.

Local Business
As a business, you want your resources to be maximized to the Glory of the Lord. The decision of which local ministiries to support have to be carefully and prayerfully considered.
As a business owner, you also need to see the results of your investment to verify that you have made a sound decision.
Your ROI from your investment in the TPC can be seen in the lives changed. The lives of your customers, which in turn helps you too.
Where else can you actually visit your ROI? You can visit the TPC.
Talk to the clients. Talk to the staff. Hear their testimonies
Hearing their testimonies and seeing the changed lives is the best ROI there is.

It is so easy to tell people, especially on social media, that you are Pro Life. It is a bit harder to actually back it up.
Some individuals also have the belief that even though they are personally pro life, that it is each woman's decision.
It is each woman's decision but...
the mother to be can't make the right choice for her and her baby without full knowledge of all her options.
The staff at the TPC are experienced at listening to each woman, to her current cirumstances, to her current fears and to her future goals. The staff then can develop the best plan for each woman.
If all you do is say you are Pro Life, but you are not willing to step out and help the moms and the babies then it is just a sounding point.
Before making that investment in the TPC, make an appointment to visit. Meet the clients and staff. Hear about the changed lives and the babies saved.
After the meeting, pray and consider supporting the TPC.