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The TPC has a few on-going fundraisers that anyone or any group can start at any time.
Who doesn't like Honey Baked Ham? Especially around special days. The melt in your mouth ham and the delicious sides can cause me to gain weight just by thinking about them!
The TPC's Honey Baked Ham Fundraiser is open all year around because who doesn't like to make things easy al year round?
The gift cards can be given as gifts, given to someone when a death happens in the family, or just kept by you to make your life easier! The gift certificates are good to purchase any Honey Bake Ham item, whether it is in the store or on line. The online store even delivers!
The other fundraiser is the Baby Bottle Campaign. Our yearly push is Mother's Day through Father's Day, but groups, churches or individuals can participate in this at any time during the year. You can pick up a physical bottles from the Center, by calling the director, or you can participate virtually.
We understand that your time is valuable. So to help you publicize your local fundraiser, we have created a few resources for you to download.
Thank you for helping the next generation of parents be the best they can be!

Please download bulletin inserts and/or PowerPoint slides to use during your church’s Baby Bottle Campaign.