Since we are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, we do not accept payment for any of our services. Without the support of our community we would not be able to offer all of our free and confidential services. We cannot do this ministry without your support and prayers, so thank you for giving.
- New Cribs, Crib Mattresses, and Carseats
- Baby clothes
- New or gently used
- Sizes preemie to 24 months
- Baby furniture
- Pack 'n Plays
- High chairs
- Strollers
- Baby Toiletries
- Diapers
- Preemie to size 6
- Pull-Ups
- Other baby items: bibs, burp cloths, blankets, towels, washcloths, pacifiers, pacifier clips, bottles, socks
- Maternity clothes